Data Access Agreement

FreiDATA is an internet-based service for archiving and publishing research data from scientific studies and projects. FreiDATA is a University of Freiburg service run by the university’s computer centre (RZ). Using FreiDATA, University of Freiburg researchers (hereinafter: data providers) can compile research data into data packages, describe them with metadata and store them permanently with the aim of making these data publicly accessible. The data providers are solely responsible for assessing the content and checking the quality of their data.

The legal relationship between data users and the University of Freiburg is limited to the download of data packages or metadata. The terms of use are based on the specifications of the data providers. The university reserves the right to restrict the use of FreiDATA or to discontinue the service altogether.

Not all data sets in FreiDATA are freely accessible. If data providers have reserved the rights, data users may be granted access upon request. In these cases, registration or legitimization via Shibboleth is a prerequisite.

Personal data of data users are only collected as far as this is necessary for the authentication process and the operation of FreiDATA. For more information, please see the data protection policy of the University of Freiburg.

The University of Freiburg assumes no warranty or liability that the research data provided are correct, up to date and reliable, except in the case of mandatory legal liability.

There is no charge for data users to research in FreiDATA and download data packages.

Data users are required to comply with the licence conditions for the respective data packages.